Get Checked Omaha

Women’s Fund of Omaha


In 2014, the Women’s Fund of Omaha and the Sherwood Foundation asked Serve to create a multi-year campaign to help reduce the rapidly growing youth STD epidemic in Omaha, Nebraska. An epidemic that hit youth 15-24, the hardest. Even more shocking, research among teens showed that fewer than 20% could explain what an STD was and less than 10% had ever talked to their parents about the subject.


Make the STD crisis in Omaha impossible to ignore by developing a bold multi-tier, multi-media public service campaign that would get both teens, and adults in the community aware of and talking about sexually transmitted diseases. The goal of the effort was to increase the amount of Omaha teens getting tested for STDs.


In the first two years, the campaign has generated over 39 million media impressions in Omaha. Including over 1.6 million video times. Social media impressions topped 4 million people. And over 23,000 people went to the website Most importantly, STD testing of youth is up almost 40% year in the first two years.

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