Organization Name


Aenean fermentum dictum felis commodo vehicula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin sit amet suscipit massa, non viverra odio. Curabitur nec egestas nibh. Etiam vel quam eu est consequat aliquam. Proin ut accumsan dui.

Campaign Name

One of the most recognized and shocking campaigns in the city flipped the script on everything previously thought about teen pregnancy. The pregnant boy campaign featured three pregnant teen boys and told the audience that “It shouldn’t be any less disturbing when it’s a girl.” The head-turning campaign was used to make the issue of teen pregnancy in Milwaukee impossible to ignore, launching a 10-year prevention run that helped reduce the teen pregnancy rate by over 65%. While in Chicago, the eye-opening ads generated international media attention, including over 1 billion media impressions worldwide.

Campaign Name

The latest in a decade-long series of Milwaukee teen pregnancy prevention campaigns celebrates the real stars of our community’s drastic decline in teen births: young people. Consisting of bus shelters, social media, and radio and TV commercials, the campaign highlights two positive decisions teens have been making which have driven these rates down: abstaining from sexual intercourse or correctly and consistently using contraception. The campaign sparked over 650,000 engagements on social and the provocative videos were viewed over one 580,000 times…

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